Jazz is a historically-rich form of music that marries both technical mastery and creative expression. It has helped shape not only other modern music genres, but arts & culture on a whole. Ensuring the longevity and proliferation of this beautiful art form is a core goal for the Jazz Association (Singapore).
We are grateful to our patrons, donors and supporters for providing the kind financial assistance needed to achieve the goals of Jazz Association (Singapore). Their support has helped new jazz musicians flourish, created a bigger audience base for the genre, and has built the foundations on which to position Singapore as a leading city for jazz music.
We would like to acknowledge and express our gratitude to our patrons, donors and supporters for their contributions to jazz in Singapore.
We would like to thank the past and current supporters of the Jazz Association (Singapore)


Jazz Association (Singapore) is supported by the National Arts Council under the Major Company Scheme for the period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2024.

In recognition of Jazz Association (Singapore)'s supporters who have made significant contributions in fundraising for JASS and contributed outstandingly to champion and elevate the jazz scene in Singapore.
Individual Category
Mr Albert Chiu
Mrs Sandra Chang
Ms Sally Liew
Ms Wee Wei Ling
Dr Euan Murugasu
Corporate Category
Tatler Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
Long-standing Partners

Individual Category
Mr Albert Chiu
Mrs Sandra Chang
Mr Neo Kah Kiat &
Ms Sally Liew -
Mr Adrian Leong
Corporate Category
Composers & Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
mtm labo Singapore

Tatler Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Heart Media
Individual Category
Mr Albert Chiu
Dr Stephen Riady
Corporate Category
Composers & Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
Neo Group Limited

Individual Category
Mr Cem Azak
Corporate Category
Composers & Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
EFG Bank AG, Singapore Branch


Ethan K for the Westminster Bag
Ode to Art for the "Wild Fighter" by Tjokorda Bagus Wiratmaja painting
Star of the Sea for the yacht charter
Shangri-La Singapore for the dining and accommodation vouchers
Singapore Airlines for the business class return tickets
Flower Diamond for the 18K White Gold Jade Pendant with Diamond
ParkRoyal Penang for the 2-Night Accommodation
Ivor J.Lim Plastic Surgery for the Medical Spa Microdermabrasion Facial packages
Pan Pacific London for 3-Night Accommodation
Hotel Partner:
Shangri-La Singapore
Event Partner:
Directions Group Inc
Technical Production Partners:
Audio Resources
The Production People
Best Dressed Awards Prizes:
mtm labo Singapore
Main Media Partner:
Tatler Singapore
Media Partners:
Heart Media Group
The Peak
JASS Ambassadors 2023
Mr Albert Chiu
Mrs Sandra Chang
Ms Sally Liew
Dr Euan Murugasu
Tatler Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Long-Standing Partner
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
EFG Bank AG (Singapore Branch)
Table Donors
Mr Albert Chiu
GLP Pte Ltd
Neo Group Limited
Sembcorp Industries Ltd
Mr & Mrs Julian and Sandra Chang
Creative Technology Ltd
Ms Michelle Liem
Ms Wee Wei Ling
Jean Yip Group
Mr Aaron
Mr Justin Chan
Mrs Pauline Chan
Ms Anita Fam
Dr Edmund Lam
Dr Euan Murugasu
Mrs Susan Peh
Ms Poh Khim Hong
ONERHT Foundation Ltd
Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant
Big Li & Lee LLP
Jing Hong Engineering Construction Pte Ltd
Ms Karen LM Chan
Ms Cho Pei Lin
City Developments Limited
Clydesbuilt Capital Pte Ltd
cMoxi Pte Ltd
Cortina Watch Pte ltd
Mr Christopher Chuah
Mr Patrick Ee
Gunjan and Showbhik Kalra
Dato'Kuek Kien Joo
Ms lee Sue Ann and Ms Melissa Aratani Kwee
Professor jemy Monteiro
Mr Patrick Ng Bee Soon
Ms Maria Dharmadji See
Mr and Mrs George and Linda so
Dr Patrick Tseng
Jazz Appreciation Awards 2023
Ms Michelle Liem
Dr Stephen Riady
Creative Technology Ltd
Neo Group Limited
Sembcorp Industries Ltd
Singapore Airlines
Heart Media Group
ICON Singapore Magazine
Solitaire Magazine
Summer Palette Media
The Peak Singapore
Auction Winners
Mr Albert Chiu
Mr Michael Breninkmeijer
Mr Olivier Burlot
Ms Sally Liew
Planworth Global Factoring
Ms Catherine Gardner
Seat Donors
Mr Benny Yeoh
Ms Susanna Sani
Mr Mervin Beng
Mr and Mrs Michael Brenninkmeijer
Dr Bernard Cheong and Mrs Dolly Cheong
Mr PC Chia Peng Chwan
Ms Daria and Anna Ginsburg
Elfia and Simon Gray
Ms Esther Ho
Fauziah and Norman Kerr
Mr Saagar Mehta
Ms Joanne Ong
Mr and Mrs Lars Sorensen
Mr and Mrs David Tan
Dr Ernest Rest Tan and Mrs Grace Chong-Tan
Ms Michelle Chan
Flower Diamond
Fort Sanctuary
Ms Chella Gabriel
Mrs Gan LH
Dr June Goh
Mr Goh Siew Huat Ronnie
Ms Maggie Gunning
Professor Ho Ching lin
Mrs Rosy Ho
Mrs Genevieve Peggy Jeffs
Mr Benjamin Kim
Ms Priscilla Lai
Ms Lotus Liew
Ms Angela Loh
Mr Long Wai Hoe
Ms Jun Low
Ms Frances Low
Oscar and Audrey mico
Ms Florence Neo
Ms Angela Ng
Mrs Ng Gim Choo
NQ International Pte Ltd
Ms Selina Ong
Ms Evelyn Sam
Ms Sinha Shilpa
Ms Linda Soo Tan
Ms Catherine Tan
Ms Vivien Teo
The Inner Clique Pte Ltd
Ms Kavitha Thulasidas
Ms Cynthia Wee
"Build Your Legacy Through Jazz" Donors
Mr Adrian Peh
Mr Abdullah Tarmugi
Mr Liaw Sze Keong
Ms Sally Liew
Ms Yeo Swee Tuan
Ms Mary Ann Tsao
Cash Donors
Mr Albert Chiu
OUE Limited
Mr Kwek Eik Sheng
Mr Chan Heng Wing
Mr Goh Yew Lin
SC Global Developments Pte ltd
Ms Julia M.d’Silva
Mrs Rosa Daniel
Mr Eu Yee Ming Richard
Ms Paige Parker and Mr Jim Rogers
Lee Foundation
Dr Ivor Lin
Ms Lim Swee Lian Sylvia
Ms Wendy long
Ms Tan Min-Li
Mr Hisaki Deguchi
Mr Tham Tuck Seng
Ms Melissa Low
Ms Kok Soke Wai

Cheryl Ann Spencer for the Exclusive and Rare Himalayan Crocodile Bag
Ode to Art for the “Swing in the Bird Kingdom” by Christian Pendelio
VIHARI Fine Jewels for the 18K Diamond & Gold Bracelet and 8K Diamond & White Gold Bracelet
Shangri-La Singapore for the dining and accommodation vouchers
Jeremy Monteiro for the bottle of Scotch Whisky (The Glendronach Kingsman Edition 1989 Vintage)
COMO Metropolitan (London) for 3 nights’ accommodation
Freia Aesthetics for the skincare and facial hampers and voucher credits
Ivor J.Lim Plastic Surgery for the Medical Spa Microdermabrasion Facial packages
voco™ for 3 nights’ accommodation
Hotel Partner:
Shangri-La Singapore
Technical Production Partner:
IMC Group Asia
Champagne & Whisky Partner:
Simply Jazz by Tin Box
Best Dressed Awards Prizes:
mtm labo Singapore
Main Media Partner:
Tatler Singapore
Media Partners:
Yacht Style
World of Watches
Heart Media
The Peak
JASS Ambassadors 2022
Mr Albert Chiu
Mrs Sandra Chang
Mr Neo Kah Kiat & Ms Sally Liew
Mr Adrian Peh
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
mtm labo Singapore
Tatler Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Heart Media
Main Partner
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
Table Donors
Mr Albert Chiu
GLP Pte Ltd
Neo Group Limited
Sembcorp Industries Ltd
Mr & Mrs Julian and Sandra Chang
Creative Technology Ltd
Ms Michelle Liem
Ms Wee Wei Ling
Jean Yip Group
Mr Aaron Boey
Mr Justin Chan
Mrs Pauline Chan
Ms Anita FamDr Edmund Lam
Dr Evan Murugasu
Mrs Susan Peh
Ms Poh Kim Hong
ONERHT Foundation Ltd
Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant
Bih Li & Lee LLP
Jing Hong Engineering Construction Pte Ltd
Ms Karen LM Chan
Ms Cho Pei Lin
City Developments Limited
Clydesbuilt Capital Pte Ltd
cMoxi Pte Ltd
Cortina Watch Pte Ltd
Mr Christopher Chuah
Mr Patrick Ee
Gunjan and Showbhik Kalra
Dato' Kuek Kien Joo
Ms Lee Sue-Ann and Ms Melissa Aratani Kwee
Professor Jeremy Monteiro
Mr Patrick Ng Bee Soon
Ms Maria Dharmadji See
Mr and Mrs George and Linda So
Dr Patrick Tseng
Seat Donors
Ms Jocelyn Tjioe
Ms Christine Lim
The Inner Clique Pte Ltd
Mrs Millie Hii
Mr Andrew Tjioe
Ms Angela Yeo
Dr Bernard Cheong & Mrs Dolly Cheong
Mr Cheah Kim Teck
Mr & Mrs Daniel and Florence Ho
Mr David Siew
Mr & Mrs David and Renee Tan
Mr & Mrs Edmund and Ivy Goh
Dr Ernest Rex Tan & Mrs Grace Chong-Tan
Ms Esther Ho
Mr & Mrs George and Lysa Goh
Mrs Grace Yeh
Mr & Mrs Kelvin and Brenda Yew
Mr Lucas Yang
Mr & Mrs Maurice and Yen Alphonso
Ms Mette Hartman
Mr & Mrs Oscar and Audrey Mico
Mr Owyong Yoke Meng
Ms Shakun H Harilela
Ms Shi Min
Mr & Mrs Simon and Elfia Gray
Mr & Mrs Toh Han Li and Joy Toh
Mr Wee Tze Wee and Ms Choo Oi-Yee
Mr & Mrs Winston and Valerie Kwek
Ms Adeline Quek
Ms Alice Tan
Ms Amanda Lok
Ms Angela Lee
Auction Winners
Mr Charles C Spencer
Mr Benny Yeoh
Ms Sally Liew
Mr Thieng Hwi Pang
Mr Jeremy Monteiro
Ms Karen Li-Mei Chan
Ms Loh Li Yen
Professor Zuo Jun & Mrs Chang Hong
Mr Oliver Balmelli
Ms Lelaina Lim
Mr Chan Leng Sun
Ms Glenda Chong
Mr Henry Heng
Mr Kin Cheong
"Build Your Legacy Through Jazz" Donors
Adrian & Susan Peh Community Fund
Mrs Sandra Chang
Ms Sally Liew
Ms Karen Chan
Ms Tho Gea Hong
Mrs Renee Tan
Mr Winston Kwek & Mrs Valerie Cheah
Cash Donors
Mr Albert Chiu
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
OUE Foundation
Mr & Mrs Adrian and Susan Peh
Mr & Mrs Julian and Sandra Chang
Dr Frederick Shen & Ms Casling Tan
Ms Karen Li-Mei Chan
Cornerstone Wines
Professor Chan Heng Chee
Mr Chan Heng Wing
Dr Lim Lai Cheng
Ms Tho Gea Hong
Mr Aaron Boey
Mr Choong Chyi Kei
Mr Eng Fook Hoong
Mr Jay Soo Khian Teck
Lee Foundation
Ms Melissa Kwee
Ms Ocean Woo
Mr Patrick Ee
Dr Patrick Tseng Seng Kwong
Mr Romell Song You Sing
Mr Sean Wu
Mr Zainul Abidin Bin Mohamed Rasheed
Ms Betty Lim
Dr Edmund Lam
Hexacon Construction
Mr Liaw Sze Keong
Professor Simon Arthur Chesterman
Mr Chok Kerong
Mr Ivan Rantung
Mr Johnny Chia Kok Wee
Ms Lisa Ang
Mr Ramesh Shahdadpuri
Mrs Susanna Angeline Anita Kulatissa
Ms Tan Siok Hong
Mr Gregory Fong Heong Leong
Ms Michelle Leong Qui Yan
Mr Yeoda
Ms Chui Hui Hsien
Ms Lynn Koh Ee Ling
Ms Kok Soke Wai
International Jazz Day
Boenga Pte Ltd for floral arrangements
Heaven’s Gift for event planning and management
Peter Boudewyn for voicing the JASS Corporate Video
Weiyu Films for creative services for
the JASS Corporate Video
Ms Belinda Chua
Mrs Celeste Basapa
Ms Chermaine Pang
Ms Corinna Chang
Ms Cynthia Wee
Ms Daphne Lau
Dr Deborah Chee
Ms Debra Soon
Ms Elizabeth Leong
Ms Frances Low
Mrs Genevieve Peggy Jeffs
Mrs Grace Wong
Ms Jacelyn Lye
Ms Jane Luhur Soon
Dr Janna Joethy
Ms Jessica Lim
Ms Joanne Ong
Dr Kelvin In-Chuen Koh
Ms Leah Selakovic
Mrs Linda Soo-Tan
Mrs Lotus Soh
Mr Mehta Saagar
Mrs Ng Gim Choo
NQ International Pte Ltd
Ms Priscilla Lai
Sara Taseer Fine Jewellery Pte Ltd
Mrs Serene Sorensen
Ms Tan Khar Nai
Ms Tonya Tan
Ms Violet Ho
Ms Yeo Wei Lin
Mr Yoshikawa Shin Saku

La Joie for the "Let there be Love" Pendant
Cortina Watch for the Pasha de Cartier watch
Daum for the Amaryllis White Vase
Ode To Art for the "Love" art piece by Eva Armisen
Chopard for the Happy Hearts Bangle
Hugo Boss for the tuxedo
Freia Aesthetics for the Future Afterglow Facials
Jack Estate for the Mythology Cabernet Sauvignon wines
Ms Glenda Chong for contributing as Emcee
Tatler Singapore for publicity and gala partnership
The following media and publication channels for gala support:
A Magazine
Prestige Singapore
The Peak
The Straits Times
Yacht Style
F&B Partner:
Orange Clove
Wine Partner:
Cornerstone Wines
Champagne Partner:
Pernod Ricard Singapore
Best Headdress Award Partners:
MTM Skincare
Tatler Singapore
Florals Partner:
Dan Takeda Flower and Design
JASS Ambassadors 2021​
Mr Albert Chiu
Dr Stephen Riady
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
Neo Group Limited
Main Partner
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
Table Donors
Mr Albert Chiu
Dr Euan Murugasu
Mr Adrian Peh
Mr Cem Azak
Ho Bee Foundation
Orange Clove Catering Pte Ltd
Mrs Sandra Chang
Ms Cho Pei Lin
Dr Edmund Lam
Ms Pauline Chan
Mr Showbhik Kalra
Mrs Susan Peh
Ms Karen Li-Mei Chan
Mr Abdullah Tarmugi
Caring Group Pte Ltd
Mr Choo Chiau Beng
City Developments Limited
Professor Jeremy Monteiro
Mr Sean Wu
Seat Donors
Mrs Cheryl Ann Spencer
TP Dental Surgeons Pte Ltd
Mrs Ann Ang
Mr & Mrs Winston and Valerie Kwek
Mr Ali Nael
Ms Alicia Thian & Mr Brian Bonde
Ms Angela Yeo Lay Suan
Dr Bernard Cheong
Mr & Mrs David and Renee Tan
Dr Ernest Rex Tan & Mrs Grace Chong-Tan
Ms Esther Ho
Mr & Mrs George and Lysa Goh
Jean Yip Salon Pte Ltd
Mrs Lotus Soh
Mrs P Joethy
Mr & Mrs Raj and Mary Rajkumar
Ms Serene Tan & Mr Benjamin Kim
Mr & Mrs Tony and Millie Hii
Mrs Lawrence Lai Yong
Mrs Annie Chang
Ms Chella Gabriel
Ms Christine Lim
Ms Cynthia Wee
Ms Debra Soon
Ms Evelyn Sam
Mrs Genevieve Peggy Jeffs
Ms Georgina Lee
Ms Heng Meei Fang
Ms Joelle Choo
Ms Jun Low
Ms Lim Boon Eng Julie
Mrs Lisa Ganesh
Ms Look Ru Shin
Mr Lucas Yang
Dr Lucy Tan-Ooi
Ms Lynn Tan
Ms Michelle Cheo
Ms Nana Au-Chau
NQ International Pte Ltd
Ms Pang Ai Rong
Mr Ronnie Goh Siew Huat
Mr Simon Yeo Seng Cheong
Ms Staphnie Tang
Ms Tonya Tan
Ms Trina Liang
Ms Vivien Teo
Mr Yoshikawa Shin Saku
Cash Donors
Mr Albert Chiu
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
Stephen Riady Foundation
Ms Sally Liew
Adrian & Susan Peh Community Fund
Mr Chan Heng Wing
Ms Julia D'Silva
Vine & Shrub Co Ltd (Japan)
Mr Julian Chang
Mrs Susan Peh
Ms Tho Gea Hong
CornerStone Warehousing and Logistics Pte Ltd
Mr Ian W Ingram and Mr Djoko N Labbaika
Professor Jeremy Monteiro
Professor Chan Heng Chee
Mr Choo Chiau Beng
Dr Edmund Lam
Mr Goh Yew Lin
Ms Ho Ching
Mr Mansoor Hassanbhai
Mr & Mrs Michael and Jaysie
Mr Tan Wee Siang
Yat Yuen Hong Company Limited
Mr Benny Yeoh
Lee Foundation
Dr Frederick Shen
Mrs Jean Mei Yun Bristow
Ms Lee Pui Luin Anne
Mr Patrick Ee Tian Huat
Professor Tommy Koh
Dr Tseng Seng Kwok Patrick
Mr Wong Chee Leong Aloysius
Mr Caspar Goerdt Werner Schlickum
Mr Chan Leng Sun
Mr Sin Boon Ann
Ms Teresa Carpio
Ms Laura Fygi
Ms Christine Lim
Mrs Grace Wong
Ms Sharon Heng
Ms Cho Pei Lin
Mr & Mrs David and Catherine Zemans
Mr David Inamine
Mr Hong Chanutr Techatananan
Ms Lee Fei Chen
Mr So Gee Foo George
Mrs Teh Lai Yip
Mr Alan Barnes
Mr Rudi Engel
Mr Tony Lakatos
TP Dental Surgeons Pte Ltd
Mr Christopher Chuah
Dr Joseph Guan
Mr Alexander Iserlis
Mr Ang Kong Hua
Mr Benjamin
Mr Chia Kok Wee Johnny
Ms Chong Choy Lin Renita
Ms Corinne Ng
Ms Faridah Ali Chang
Ms Rita Iskander de Braux
Ms Ong Pei San
Mr Dominic Gwee Zhong Yu
Dr Hannes Hentze
Mr Jason Monteiro
Mr Jens Bunge
Ms Lim Huey Yuee
Ms Lok Ying Lin
Mdm Low Pansy
Mr Luc Caers
Mr Nicholas George Ionides
Ms Ong Su Pin
Mr Shannon Chen Junguang
Ms Tan Siok Hong
Ms Helene Vigeant
Mr Bob West
Ms Carole Sims and Mr James Martin
Ms Catherine Mudford
Mr Christopher Lock
Ms Chung Pui Lan Pauline Margaret
Ms Debra Soon
Ms Ebonne Chua
Mr Giridharan S/O Kumarakulasingam
Ms Helen Tan Shin Shin
Ms Joanna Rowe
Mr Tay Kian Seng
Mr Ang Kim San Norman
Ms Chow Kum Yeen
Ms Chua Ee Ling
Mr Tan Chin Boo
Ms Toh Yan Li
Ms Fu Juan
Mr Lim Szu Ming
Mr Teo Jin Ghee Adrian
Mr Wang Wenhan
Auction Winners
Mr Adrian Peh
Ms Sally Liew
Ms Tanya A.
Ms Cleo Tay
Ms Grace Yeh
Ms Tan Min Yee
Ms Karen Li-Mei Chan
Mrs Cheryl Ann Spencer
Mrs Loh Li Yen

Sara Taseer Fine Jewellery for "The Enchanted" Bracelet
Atlas Sound & Vision Pte Ltd for the Loewe Bild 7.55
Ethan K for the Fan Bag
Azimuth for the "Arise My Dragon" watch
Marshall Cavendish for partial sponsorship of "Late-Night Thoughts of a Jazz Musician"
Ode To Art for the art installation "Marilyn Monroe" by Shay Peled
J Monteiro Designs Pte Ltd for the four J Monteiro watches
Sharlene Leong (Word Your Story) for the potrait of Ella Fitzgerald
Turkish Airlines for a pair of economy class tickets to Istanbul
Shinji by Kanesaka for the omakase dining package
Edrington Singapore for the Highland Park 12 Year Old whiskies served at the gala
Shangri-La Bosphorus, Istanbul for 3 nights' accommodation
Sinfonia Ristorante for the dining package
Si Chuan Dou Hua Restaurant for the dining package
Ho Printing Singapore Pte Ltd for the partial sponsorship of printing services for the gala programme booklet
Roxy Disc House for the four limited edition vinyl records
Haru Yoshi Japanese Restaurant for door gift support
Boenga Pte Ltd for décor expertise
American Express for publicity support of the gala and credit card payment services for the evening
The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (AmCham) for publicity support of the gala
Mr Andrew Thomas for contributing as Auctioneer
Mr Peter Boudewyn for contributing as Emcee
Mr Prakash Xavier for editing the JASS corporate video
Hotel Partner:
Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
Official Magazine:
Singapore Tatler
Official Skincare Partners:
MTM Skincare
DrSpa and DrHair
JASS Ambassadors 2019​
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
EFG Bank AG, Singapore Branch
Mr Cem Ayhan Azak
Main Sponsors
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
EFG Bank AG, Singapore Branch
Table Donors
Mr Albert Chiu
Mr Cem Ayhan Azak
Ascendas-Singbridge Gives Foundation
EFG Bank AG, Singapore Branch
Orange Clove Catering Pte Ltd
Mrs Sandra Chang
Dr Edmund Lam
Dr Euan Murugasu
Ms Karen Li-Mei Chan
Mrs Susan Peh
Mr Abdullah Bin Tarmugi
Mrs Ann Ang
Asia PR Werkz Pte Ltd
City Developments Limited
Experian Singapore Pte Ltd
Mr George So
Go-Jets Pte Ltd
Professor Jeremy Monteiro
Mr Robert Joiner
Dr Tan Chin Nam
Professor Tommy Koh
Vine & Shrub Co Ltd (Japan)
Yeo-Leong and Peh LLC
Seat Donors
Ms Judith Quek-Low
Mr & Mrs Daniel and Florence Ho
Dato' Andy Kuek Kien Joo
Ms Angela Yeo
Ms Cindy Tang
Mr Eugene Yang
Mr Evgeny Tugolukov
Ms Jane Soon
Mr Jean Nasr and Ms Pauline Chan
Ms Leila Cheung
Ms Melissa Kwee
Ms Millie Hii
Dr Frederick Shen and Ms Casling Tan
Dr Keith Goh
Mr Lucas Yang Tai Siong
Mr & Mrs Raj and Mary Rajkumar
Ms Alicia Thian
Mr & Mrs Arael and Inge Boo
Mr Benjamin Kim and Ms Serene Tan
Dr & Mrs Bernard and Dolly Cheong
Mr & Mrs Charles and Cheryl Spencer
Mr Craig Gledhill and Ms Nicole Gledhill-Tan
Mr & Mrs David and Renee Tan
Ms Donna Zhang
Mr Douglas Ong Pang Chye
Mr & Mrs Edmund and Ivy Goh
Mr & Mrs Pierre and Marte Maartensson
Dr Rex Tan and Ms Grace Chong-Tan
Mr Ronald Loke
Mr & Mrs Ronald and Janet Stride
Ms Tez Kosa-Gray
Ms Therese Chew
Mr & Mrs Thomas and Paulina Welte
Ms Angela Lee
Ms Angela Ng
Ms Belinda Chua
Mr Chan Kwai Sum
Ms Chermiane Pang
Ms Christina Loh
Ms Cristal Lim
Ms Doris Anne Lu
Ms Emily Piak
Ms Eugenia Gajardo
Ms Evelyn Goh
Ms Frances Low
Mr Francis Peh
Ms Geanie Lee
Mrs Genevieve Peggy Jeffs
Ms Georgina Lee
Mrs Grace Wong
Ms Jane Heng
Ms Jasmine J Goh
Ms Jilly Wang
Ms Judy Damas
Ms Jun Low
Dr June Goh
Mr Kim Yew
Ms Lim Meng Hong
Ms Linda Soo-Tan
Mrs Lotus Soh
Ms Maniza Jumabhoy
Mr Marc Almagro
Ms Priscilla Lai
Ms Roseanne de Pampelonne
Ms Serene Chua
Mr Simon Yeo
Ms Staphnie Tang
Ms Stephanie Yong
Strategic IP Information Pte Ltd
Ms Tonya Tan
Ms Violet Ho
Mr Yoshikawa Shin Saku
Cash Donors
Mr Albert Chiu
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS)
EFG Bank AG, Singapore Branch
Mr Cem Ayhan Azak
Professor Chan Heng Chee
Mr Sean Wu
Cornerstone Wines
Dr Euan Murugasu
Lee Foundation
Mr Oliver Balmelli
Mrs Sandra Chang
SC Global Developments Pte Ltd
Mrs Susan Peh
Ms Wee Wei Ling
Ms Grace Fu
Ms Jaysie Ong
Jean Yip Salon Pte Ltd
Ms Joanna Dong
Mr Koh Chon Tong
Mr Loke Charn Hun
Ms Sugana d/o Madhavan
Mr Victor Ow
Mr Alvin Tien
Mr Robert Teoh
Mr and Mrs Lawrence and Celeste Basapa
Mr Phung Van Tot
Auction Winners
Live Auction:
Mr Arthur Tay​
Ms Eugenia Gajardo
Neo Garden Catering Pte Ltd
Mr Neo Kah Kiat
Mr Patrick Daniel
Silent Auction:
Mr Adrian Peh
Mr Chan Leng Sun
Mr Chooi Siew Thim
Ms Dora Chng
Dr Edmund Lam
Mr Edmund Ng
Mr Gerald Aw Jeer-Wei
Ms Karen Li-Mei Chan
Ms Leila Cheung
Ms Ong San San
Mr Patrick Ee
Mr Robert Joiner
Ms Tho Gea Hong

Mr Christopher Ho on behalf of The Whiskey Trust for the rare bottle of #1 Elegance whiskey from John Walker & Sons
Ode To Art for the Saxophone Sculpture by Shay Peled
Castiglion del Bosco for the gala dinner wine
Azimuth Watch Company Private Limited for the Twin Turbo Watch
Global Audio for the Linn Majik LP12 Turntable
Turkish Airlines for 2 pairs of economy air tickets
Atlas Sound & Vision for the gift vouchers
Mr Peter Boudewyn for contributing to the Gala Dinner as Emcee and Auctioneer
Mrs Susan Peh for "A Great Day in Harlem" Framed posters autographed by Benny Golson
J. Monteiro Designs Private Limited for the four J Monteiro watches
​EFG London Jazz Festival for the tickets for the London Jazz Experience
Ms Lynnette Seah for the Private Dining Experience
Showtime Productions Private Limited for the Jeremy Monteiro Private Jazz Performance with Lynette Seah, and the generous donation of the whiskies
for tonight’s Gala Dinner
Ho Printing Private Limited for the printing services for the Gala invitation cards and souvenir programme booklets
Mr & Mrs Ian Ingram and SingJazz Festival for the loan of their Yamaha C3x Studio Grand Piano
Mr and Mrs Benny Yeoh for sponsoring Jeremy Monteiro’s Montage CD as door gifts
​​Chef Willin Low and Wild Rocket for the specially-crafted omakase dinner for six
​Ms Joanne Low of Joanne L Fine Jewellery for one pair of specially-designed Tahitian pearl earrings
Mr Robert Joiner for the special selection of two sets of five vinyl records
Mr Richard Wan of Roxy Disc House for the special selection
of one set of five vinyl records
Mr & Mrs Lee Thean Jeen of Weiyu Films Private Limited for editing the JASS corporate video
Mr Prakash Xavier for his assistance in producing the JASS corporate video
Official Sponsors/Partners
Official Magazine:
Singapore Tatler
Official Skin Care Sponsor:
Clè de Peau Beautè
Official PR Partner:
Table Donors
Mr Albert Chiu
Mr Cem A Azak
Ms Karen Li-Mei Chan
Mr Kong Eng Huat - EFG Bank AG Singapore
Ascendas-Singbridge Gives Foundation
Dr Edmund Lam Kin Hong
Mr Francis Ho
Neo-Film Media Investment Pte Ltd
Mr Sean Wu Xiu Zhuan
Mr Stanley Kwek Eik Sheng
Mrs Susan Peh
Mr Tugolukov Evgeny
Messrs Yeo-Leong & Peh LLC
Mr Alex Chua - Goldbell Foundation
BG Andrew Tan
The Jean Yip Foundation
Professor Jeremy Monteiro
Mr Robert Joiner
Professor Tommy Koh
Seat Donors
Mr Adrian Koh
Ms Ann Ang
Ms Belinda Chua
Ms Cecilia Leong-Faulkner
Mr Chan Kwai Sum
Mr & Mrs Charles and Michelle Siow
Mrs Chella Gabriel
Ms Cindy Tang
Ms Doris Anne Lu
Mr and Mrs Edmund and Ivy Goh
Mr Edmund Lee
Ms Frances Low
Dr Frederick Shen & Ms Casling Tan
Mr & Mrs George and Lysa Goh
Mrs Grace Yeh
Mr Hisaki Deguchi
Ms Jasmine Goh
Ms Judith Quek and Friends
Ms Jun Low
Mrs Lai Yong Lawrence
Mr & Mrs Lawrence and Celeste Basapa
Ms Leila Cheung
Ms Linda Soo-Tan
Ms Melissa Kwee
Ms Namrata Singh
Ms Nana Au-Chua
Mr & Mrs Oscar and Audrey Mico
Mr & Mrs Patrick Ee
Mr Paul Copping
Ms Pauline Chan and Mr Jean Nasr
Mr Quek Chin Tiong and Mrs Helen Quek
Ms Serene Tan
Ms Sharon Heng
Ms Therese Chew
Ms Tonya Tan Lay Tin
Ms Violet Ho
Auction Winners
Mr Adrian Peh
Mr Albert Chiu
Mr Andrew Robertson
Mr Cem Azak
Ms Gail Lien-Wang
Mr Gerald Aw Jeer-Wei
Mr Jean Nasr
Mr Kong Eng Huat
Cash Donors/ Pledges
The Singapore Totalisator Board (TOTE Board)
Mr Albert Chiu
Stephen Riady Foundation
Atlas Sound & Vision
Directions Group Inc Private Limited
Ebenex Private Limited
Ms Gillian Kang
Ms Janet Chee Fung Goodman
Mr Oliver Balmelli
Mr & Mrs Paul and Rebekah Chuan
Mr Ralf Schmidt